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Our Work

Our Way Forward: From Knowledge to Action

Black and brown children are in the foster care system at double the rate they are in the population. Data also shows once these children are in foster care, they have worse outcomes and experiences.

Racial disproportionality and disparities are not limited to the child welfare system. Because child welfare interlocks with other human service systems, including health care, education, the court/legal system, lawmakers, and faith or community-based organizations, we believe that establishing shared understanding and collaboration across agencies is essential. We invite all mandated reporters both within and, especially, outside of child welfare to join our efforts.

Ways to get involved with our work:


Subscribe to our newsletter for updates, events, resources, and opportunities 


Attend our webinars and live events. All advocates are welcome!


Partner with us to support your organization's racial equity goals. 


Support our efforts through a charitable donation.

"We talk about it but we have to be about it."


Associate Commissioner, United States Children's Bureau, Administration on Children, Youth and Families

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The Racial Equity Collaborative was proudly founded by Kansas Department for Children and Families, CarePortal, and University of Kansas School of Social Welfare and Kansas Strong. We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at

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©2024 by Racial Equity Collaborative

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