Let's Connect for Families.
Ready for interactive and engaging professional development equity training? Contact us today.
Why this work is vital
I said, ma’am… Now that this is all over with…what are you going to do to help put my family back together? …You didn’t have any problem tearing it apart. What are you guys going to do to help put my family back together?
~ Birth Parent

Our Work
We are bringing together families, mandated reporters, the child welfare workforce, and other human service providers to build shared, multi-disciplinary knowledge and accountability in achieving equitable outcomes for children and families of color who come into contact with the child welfare system.
In Kansas, Black children are placed in foster care at nearly twice the rate of White children.
Black families experience child welfare investigations at a much higher rate than White families.

Our work recognizes
Historical and contemporary oppression
Past atrocities such as slavery, colonization, & segregation have led to present day social inequities.
Our society and systems are rooted in White supremacy
Racial disparities in child welfare are symptomatic of pervasive systemic & structural racism.
Racism as a public
health crisis
Racial disparities in child welfare interlock with inequities across service and well being systems.
Our work is guided by
Collaboration * Action * Holistic & Creative Approaches * Lived Experience * BIPOC Leaders * Inclusivity* Accountability ​
Our initiatives, events, and services are for everyone!
Want to work with us? Have any questions or comments? We want to hear from you!